Take a walk with me, won't you. To a time when life was good. When we all had a little $$ in our pockets and the shit hadn't hit the fan yet. That's right I'm talking about early 2008. Our airport service side of the biz was turning out to be the foundation to our biz. So we needed a car that looked like it belonged at the airport . As much as we liked our white and tan sedan it had to go. We still didn't have any extra cash because we were still rolling it all back into the biz. It just so happens that at the same time we were trying to find a way to buy a sedan, my father in law, Marlo's Father sent us our wedding gift in the form of a check ! I Love that man !! So you could say my wife's father bought us the newer black sedan we so desperately needed and we still have that car today. The only thing worse than having a black car with lots of chrome is having this car and a wife with O.C.D. Black cars are a pain in the ass to keep clean. Marlo's favorite saying ( No DNA on the car !! ) This means finger prints ect...
We also decided it was time to get another limo but we wanted a car that looked newer. We were still considered a start up company and the banks wouldn't even give us 9 cents with 10 cents down. The guy we bought Betsy from was selling his 1999 Lincoln 120" This was just the Limo we needed ! We really do owe the fact that our biz even exists to Joshua. He said he would personally finance the limo to us as long as we could come up with a $5,000 Deposit and do $500 a month. Well when I heard this I called my wife right away and told her to put my motorcycle on EBay
. I did mention that you will have to sacrifice everything right... Still want to have a Limousine Biz ?? Ok fine keep reading then.
So turns out bikes sell fast. It was gone in 2 hours. SOLD !!
That weekend we headed back to Ga were we bought our first limo and we drove home our new to us updated Limo. I don't think I stopped smiling the whole way home. We now officialy had a FLEET. 2 120's and a black sedan.
Here are some pictures of our newer 120"
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